When you have little munchkins at home your saturday nights aren’t as exciting as they used to be at times…

Half the time you don’t even realise its a Saturday until your newsfeed starts to fill up with football scores and shenanigans? I quite enjoy my nights at home for a few reasons…

1. I save my money that i could have spent on ginger beer?

2. I wake up fresh! Lets face it, the kids don’t have a  ‘we better play quietly and not annoy mum today because she had a late night’  button?

3. Im a closet grandma and love cups of tea, baths and spooning hot water bottles?

ANY HOO! Moving along to the point of my blog post… TRAVELLING!

My saturday night in this week got a lot more exciting because i booked myself and the kiddlywinks some flights for a 3 week holiday/essential oils tour of the East Coast of Australia.

I will post links to all of my Essential Oils Classes on my facebook page … Please join the group to be kept up to date with the Tour I will obviously be taking my whole collection since Ill be working but here are


1. Peppermint- 2. On Guard 3. Digest Zen 4. Lavendar 5. Lemon 6. Basil 7. Serenity 8. Ice Blue ……

Protect yourself from airborne pathogens passed around via the aeroplane air conditioning by applying a drop of ON GUARD PROTECTIVE ESSENTIAL OIL BLEND to your hands and inhale. Feel focused and alert by applying a drop of PEPPERMINT ESSENTIAL OIL to the back of your neck. Support your digestive system with any uncomfortable feelings of nausea, cramping etc with a drop of DIGEST ZEN ESSENTIAL OIL BLEND applied topically to your stomach. Clean/freshen up your tray table, hands and accommodation using LEMON ESSENTIAL OIL Soothe tired and aching muscles by applying ICE BLUE ATHLETIC BLEND topically. Help yourself to wind down and relax by taking deep and slow inhalations of LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL… really great for anxious children at take off and landing? Assist your kids and yourself with ear troubles relating to flying by applying a drop of BASIL ESSENTIAL OIL behind the ears. Entertain and relax the kids at take off and landing by applying SERENITIY ESSENTIAL OIL BLEND topically to their feet and give them a little massage. THERE IS LITERALLY 100s OF OTHER WAYS THESE ESSENTIAL OILS CAN BE USED TO SUPPORT HEALTH AND WELLNESS WHILST TRAVELLING.

please email me at if you would like more information on how you can get started with your own essential journey x