I see many women who for one reason or another really can’t stand themselves.
I get that sounds extreme to say but unfortunately its the truth.
Whether derived from body image issues, health issues or just because they still believe a story they have created for themselves, many women find it hard to be in full acceptance of who they are.
Sometimes the stories women believe about themselves aren’t theirs but were created for them within their most intimate relationships since they were born into earth. They have kind of just adopted them and are unsure of who they will be without them or how to let the stories go.
When I’m present with a woman in a session I really open to hear them and all their stories although, Its not up to me to decide whether they are running a story or not its my role to only hold space for what is and allow my presence to simply remind them they are human and pure potentiality yet at the same time perfectly imperfect as they lay there before me. Sometimes right before my eyes a woman will realise what her story is herself and just flat out refuse to believe it anymore.
The natural consequences of this space thats co created between myself and a woman in session with me can be things like…
Remembering to be kind to themselves.
To consciously choose to free themselves from guilt and shame.
Validation for them that their imperfections are what makes them unique, beautiful and powerful. 
Permission to stop the fight. To stop the war between themselves and themselves.
To remember that they are so perfect the way they are even if they feel like broken. 
To remember their most natural and innate state of being which is pure freedom and joy.
Connection to their inner child. The curious, playful, expressive, wondrous child like self.
The beginning of a trusting relationship between the body and the mind.
Truth be known our bodies are hard wired for healing and every single second we are regenerating cells, evolving and changing like the tides. Like nature.
One of our most basic needs as humans is to feel loved.
Its so potent to have someone love the “worst parts” of us and stay present with us and not expect improvement. It allows us to feel safe, validated and then empowered to move through life from that point.
Once we begin to do that for ourselves our body will know we won’t abandon it, it will trust us and naturally the next step after such an honouring validation is transformation and healing.
I honestly believe that in a world that is determined to make us feel like we aren’t enough, creating a relationship like this with ourselves is the most rebellious and empowering thing we can do for ourselves and our children.

Hayley Fleming

“Create a loving relationship with your body in whatever conditions its in and it will learn that it can trust you.

Then it can start to relax and begin its own powerful healing process.”

 Hayley Fleming 2017