Maybe you have glimpses of feeling turned on in a sexual way from being with a former lover or your current lover on a certain night in a certain location, the way you were touched, the connection, the feeling of pleasure rushing through your veins.
Maybe you can recall a moment in time when you were In awe of nature or the nature of another living being?
Maybe the feeling mid dance when a song played loudly through some speakers.
A time when you felt so grateful to be here in this human body experiencing life like you are.

This life enforcing flow of energy and state of pleasure is our birthright & I am on a gentle mission to help human beings reclaim that for themselves.

Your body may shut down at the very thought of reclaiming this. Totally Normal. Your mind might get in the way.
Also normal, considering how programmed out of this we can be from early experiences such as feeling another’s energy toward us change when we touched our own body how we wanted to and countless other ways that can have an affect our level of shame around our sexuality.

Maybe your only sex education growing up was watching a middle aged woman or man show you how to put a condom on a banana? I recall this happening at high school infront of my female while the boys were waiting outside the classroom til it was there turn to learn what the education system considered and still considers to be the most crucial subject for us to learn to avoid teen pregnancy and STD’s. Oh the shame.

Reclaiming this integral part of us and rewriting our own sexuality for ourselves is our responsibility.

Sure our past experiences may have added a program into our minds but no one is responsible for reclaiming our birthright to pleasure but us.

Not even our lovers.

Connecting back to these sometimes forgotten parts of ourselves can be an intimidating thought and can bring up resistance and fear, its powerful stuff which is why its so good.

Often i hear of or see women start to feel their body say yes, they open to this and they start wanting to journey their unique sexuality and then scoot off to the next Tantra or Embodiment Workshop where they ‘unleash’ this side to themselves in quite an outward and expressive way and kind of go from one extreme to another and often the workshop, retreat or session is over and they are left to wind up the cassette tape alone, so to speak.

Im not saying this isn’t okay, there is no right or wrong there is only what works for the individual.
I am only suggesting that for some its a gentle journey, a private, intimate, solo journey and that this aspect of the journey to reclaiming pleasure is often the part that allows for self response-ability.

Sometimes women know they want more and begin to look at their partners for answers and are unsure of how to move into this new space in a response-able way.

Men like to feel encouraged not scolded and theres definitely an art form to expressing your desires to your loved one that doesn’t shut down but allow for an opening.

The potential for pleasure is everywhere and accessed via our senses.

Set an intention to become a vessel of pleasure, to open to the sensitivity of pleasure.

Breathe that intention down into your genitals as a quick daily connection and dialogue with your body to reaffirm to it gently that pleasure is always there ready to be accessed and that its safe to do so.

Set intention each morning that at least once that day you’ll notice how your senses are working to connect you to your pleasure. It may be while you eat lunch or shake your booty in the office chair to a song on the radio, or a glance at a stranger as you pass them in the street.

It could be as simple as selecting a flower and gazing at it, standing at the edge of the sea tuning into the space between the waves touching your feet. Or breathing in the breeze you can hear down into the deepest parts of yourself.

Once pleasure becomes more than just about sex and more about life your whole day can become one giant erogenous zone.

We can begin to feel pleasured from the slightest stimulation because we are pleasure.

Stay tuned… more tips to come.

Love Mama Hayles